Feng Jinjia is currently a third-year Ph.D. student at the Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, under the supervision of Prof. Zhewei Wei. Prior to this, he obtained a Master’s degree in Computer Application Technology from the School of Information, Renmin University of China in June 2021, and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from the same school in June 2018.
Research Interests
My research focuses on graph machine learning and large-scale graph data pre-training. Currently, I am working on the alleviation of information bottlenecks through virtual node structures in graph Transformers, positional encoding of graph structures, and pre-training based on molecular geometric structures.
Jinjia Feng, Zhen Wang, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Zhewei Wei, Hongteng Xu. (Accepted by CIKM 2022)
Federated Heterogeneous Contrastive Distillation for Molecular Representation Learning.
Jinjia Feng, Zhen Wang, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Zhewei Wei, Hongteng Xu. (Accepted by CIKM 2024)
Contact information
Email: jinjia_feng@ruc.edu.cn